Company Portal stuck in a different language?

This is a very small follow up post for my article about language change How to completely change Windows 10 language with Intune. I mentioned the Company Portal and the issue that it sometimes got stuck at a language. During that time I didn’t realized something very simple :-). Actually the Windows Settings are telling the fact why this happens very precisely.

See the “Preferred languages” explanation here:

Windows Settings > Language > Preferred languages
Windows Settings > Language > Preferred languages

Even if everything else is configured to be shown in English, the Store Apps and websites will honor the preferred languages setting and switch to that language. So, in my case if I have German here in the first position, I get an English start menu for example, but the store app Company Portal will be displayed in German as “Unternehmensportal”.

Windows start menu > Company Portal displayed in German -> Unternehmensportal
Windows start menu > Company Portal displayed in German -> Unternehmensportal

It’s easy to see, it is fully displayed in German:

Company Portal in German (Unternehmensportal)
Company Portal in German (Unternehmensportal)

So, if we simply change the order from German as the first entry to English in the first entry, like this:

Windows Settings > Language > Preferred languages > English first entry
Windows Settings > Language > Preferred languages > English first entry

The Company Portal will switch back to English as well:

Company Portal in English
Company Portal in English

I guess this falls into the category RTFM or RTF-“Settings” :-). Anyway, I’m happy about the new knowledge. I wasn’t really aware of it at the time of writing the language post How to completely change Windows 10 language with Intune. So, if someone has the same issue, you now have a quick fix for it.